- Open to student composers (elementary through high school
- All music genres
- Submission deadline is April 19, 2020
- Email the following to infolicamusic@gmail.com:
- Include your name, mailing address, email address, phone number, and age (as of June 14, 2020)
- Write “LICA Student Concert” in the subject line
- Attach a pdf of the score of one original composition, preferably less than 5 minutes in length
- Attach an mp3 (wav, or midi) file of the composition, or a link to a video/sound file
- Pay the non-refundable $10 application fee by clicking on the “Donate” button on the LICA website www.LICAmusic.org
- Compositions will be selected by the LICA judging committee
- You will be notified by email regarding the judging committee’s decision
- Student composers must provide performers at no cost to LICA
- $100 cash prizes will be awarded for outstanding student compositions
- Prizewinners will have another performance of their composition, and will be honored, on June 19th at the South Huntington Library LICA concert