3D Picture Art

It all started with doodling. Christopher Hobbs – who has worked as an arborist, soft ball umpire, real estate sales person and arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau –was making little drawings here and there and his wife encouraged him to do them on paper rather than on the back of napkins. He moved on to more intricate drawings that looked like circuit boards and his son suggested he turn them into mazes. The mazes were a hit at craft fares—he sold over 1,000 at $1 apiece. As his work became more and more complicated, Christopher made abstract drawings, which he colored and printed on heavy paper. These he cut into pieces to be layered into picture frames, creating original 3D works of art.
Chris Hobbs with his 3D art. He has exhibited his work throughout the country and won best in show at the annual Cape May Art Show.
Students in the class will receive a 5×7 frame, pre-cut mat and backs and cutouts of Christopher’s designs to layer into the frame.
Register for the workshop
3D Picture Workshop: Class takes place on Saturday, February 17. Enrollment is $55.